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Lincoln Douglas Value Debate​

Lincoln Douglas is value debate. A Lincoln Douglas debate examines competing value systems to answer big questions. The purpose of Lincoln Douglas value debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, research, and value analysis. That endeavor is accomplished in an environment of honorable competition that cultivates maturity, wisdom, grace, poise, and brings glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • One student per team.

  • Value oriented debate.

  • Rounds last 47 minutes.

Team Policy Debate

A Team Policy debate asks competitors to develop and defend competing policy options to address contemporary problems. The purpose of Team Policy debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, research, and policy analysis. That endeavor is accomplished in an environment of honorable competition that cultivates maturity, wisdom, grace, poise, and brings glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Two students per team.

  • Policy oriented debate.

  • Rounds last 75 minutes.

Parliamentary Debate (aka Parli)

Parliamentary debate is an activity in which teams of two students debate one another in an extemporaneous form of debate in which their topic is given just minutes prior to the round. Parliamentary debate asks competitors to develop and defend positions on a wide range of issues that could be fact, value, policy or scenario in nature. Parliamentary debate (aka Parli) not only relies on quick thinking but also on an accumulation of general knowledge on a broad range of subjects.


The purpose of Parliamentary debate is to instill in Christian home school students the skills of presentation, critical thinking, research, and analysis of current events. That endeavor should only be accomplished in an environment of honorable competition that cultivates maturity, wisdom, grace, poise, and brings glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.


  • Two students per team

  • Extemporaneous form of debate

  • Twenty minute preparation time

  • Rounds last thirty-eight minutes

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